Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm ready for war!

So I have this weed everywhere in my raised beds and in areas not yet planted:

Not the rosemary--I like that, and it isn't the poor, struggling oregano which was a beautiful large oregano plant before it wasn't watered all last summer. (Totally NOT MY FAULT!)

It's the horrible low-growing weedy stuff creeping over the brick edging. here's a better shot of it trying to choke out my thyme and parsley.


I looked it up and it's called spurge--and apparently it's a real pain to get rid of. It forms dense mats of intertwined weed stems, and can choke areas of lawns and gardens. I hate this weed! It gets into all my garden beds. The problem with eradicating spurge is that it sows so many seeds--thousands of them per plant, and just spraying weed killer on the plant doesn't kill the weeds, because it leaves a whole generation behind yo carry on its nefarious work of ruining my herb beds.

So, according to the Master Gardener site for Maricopa County says that they have to be sprayed with Roundup or a similar weed spray, then pulled after the spray has taken effect, and then the whole area has to be treated with a pre-emergent weed killer to kill any seeds left behind. That's a lot of work; it's no wonder that I haven't been successful up yo now in my war with the dreaded spurge--I was using the wrong weapons and fighting the battle incorrectly. Now I'm properly armed and ready to kill me some mangy weeds!

Die, spurge, die!

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